You have the right to be informed. We have the obligation to provide you news and stories you can trust.
Here at RH1, we adopt the highest possible standards for fact-checking.
We publish our stories when they are ready and complete. We want to stay away from misinformation, propaganda, alternative-facts, or in general fake news.
In order to bring you the XR news you can trust, we adopt all the recommendations of the Verification Handbook by Craig Silverman, a fundamental publication for the industry.
The stories from our journalists and contributors are accurately checked and edited by the editorial board. If a piece of information can’t be verified through independent sources, we usually prefer not to publish it. Sometimes, this principle can be infringed, but in this case, we are explaining the reason.
The good journalism is based on trust. That’s why we want to have a constant dialogue with our readers, with their opinions, critics, and suggestions.